Friday 29 April 2016

Dear Dream Girl.

Dear Dream Girl,
I sail on turbulent waters
without a life jacket
and my boat is already full
with dreams and pages--I have
a ghost to shame and
a widow at home to console;
wait for me at the shore ahead.

Home still stands on no pillars,
the roof still weeps when rains
come out to play-- my bowl is full now
because she at home eats
hunger and drinks tears; I am
clothed because she wears tatters
and bare feet.

I journey in the company of night,
my eyes are alive and yet do not see,
I depend on a sight borrowed
from the Ever-burning Heavenly Lamp-
I have a ghost to shame
and a widow at home to console-
day awaits me at the shore ahead

at the shore ahead I have built my mansion
there awaits a smiling widow--
do not jump into my boat now
lest we sink and get washed onto
an undesirable shore ahead
just sail ahead of me (in your own boat)
and with the same Lamp that guides me
until at the new shore, day welcomes
a wealthy vetpublishedpoet
whose twins patiently wait
in your blessed womb.

©Sarpong Kumankoma.

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