Tuesday, 16 February 2016


I am envious
Of the air—
He is with you all the time
I am envious of your shadow
She follows every
Step of yours
I am envious
Of  the sky
His eyes are always on you
I am envious of the earth
She always gets
To kiss your feet
If I could rob the air
Of his omnipresent wings—
I would never hunger for your presence
Always flying around you
Never would I fan
A wind that would blow dust
Onto your eyes
If I could murder your shadow
And take her place
I would follow you all your days
And never flee at the sight
Of darkness
If I could borrow
The all seeing eyes of the sky
I would watch over you all the time—
Never would my stares tan your skin
If  lying on the ground
Made me a carpet to envelope the earth
I would get to lick all the dust of your feet—
And clear every obstacle
That would make you fall
I have locked myself
Up in fantasies
Where you stand burying me
I.n your smiles and shining your eyes
Onto the ruins of my heart

©Sarpong Kumankoma