Monday 20 July 2015


I inscribed her name with excreta
And dug canals on her face

I chained her to
A stake of mockery for
Outsiders to stone her with
Truth-like lies

To console her
I fed  her heart on pins
And treated the wounds with poison

My lips wove for her
A glowing future
Whiles my hands pushed her
Into dark days

I juggled
The hat of blame
Onto the heads of accomplices
Who tossed it back to me

Her golden breasts
I selfishly  sucked to waste
And ended up crying hunger...

My faith was bigger than
Mountain Kilimanjaro but could not
Lift a mustard seed
As I sat with hopeful hands stuck between
My statued thighs staring at her shrinking womb
To bring forth the reincarnation of Kwame Nkrumah

My siblings
Mama is still in pains and chains
I have known there is no future but now
What we call future
Is the reflection of the present
In the mirror of time

Taste my tears
There's no more a trace of hypocrisy
Tell Mama to forgive me....

Unite to restore smiles
To her face and stitch the lips of her mockers
Before this dark cave approaching my sickbed
Gets to swallow you

©Sarpong Kumankoma

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