Tuesday 17 November 2015


May I call you
The lady I met at chemistry class
With teeth of crystal glass?
The teeth that disperses
Your radiant smile into a rainbow
On the walls my heart

May I call you the lady
Who walks with the steps of queens
And talks with the voice of banana?
The steps that carry you wherever I go-
The voice that questions why I follow
You like your shadow

May I call you the lady
Who never looks at strangers with stern?
When I —with my friend— take turns
To nauseate you with nuisance
You bury us in the depth of your smile

Can I call you lilly of the wild?
Your pulchritude makes butterflies shy
Of their garments— the peacock's pride dies
At the sight of you

Can I call you wind of the night?
Your humility humiliates
Donkeys before their masters

May I call you all the names
I would a sugarcane dame?
I may scribble them in an endless poem
With light and post it on your forehead
But my heart can never unlearn yearning 
To know that Name Daddy
Moulded from stars to crown your birth

Whisper it into my ears
I want to stitch you to my chest
With friendly threads that never will tear

©Sarpong Kumankoma

Image source: Marisa Jimenez

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