Tuesday, 26 May 2015


I was only a wanderer
In an unknown realm
Seeking to enter the world

It's not my fault that
The door through which
I passed led to the pauper's

I was lying in innocence
Under the uterine shed
Safe, secure, happy
Developing flesh and
Bones from my sperm-egg
Mixture----I was only
A blood clot!

Then came the news
Which robbed me of
Joy in my temporary place
Of sojourn
Mama heard the news
swallowed it reluctantly
And had her blood poisoned
Same blood that nourished me
I felt Mama's
Heartbeat missing the
Regular rhythm----

Her tears flooded
her womb------
I could not help drowning
So I lapped the tears to
Keep my home dry

A thousand thoughts
crawled like
Soldier ants in her head
They bit painfully in my
fragile heart:

A merciless wind has blown
Her roof off------
She has been forced to
Surrender to the torments of
The weather
O he whose spirit covered
Her children
has followed the
Dark trails of death into
Her hunter-tooth
Has been lost!

She has has six
Bellies to fill
That she cannot do
The seventh born need not
Come into the world and
taste the bitter life
That has clothed her home

Is it my fault that
No amount of concoction
And broken bottles
Or the quack doctors weapon
Could eject me
From my home?
It wasn't my choice either
To be firmly rooted in
A home vibrating in sorrow
To drink the tears
Of a grieving mother for
Eight months.......

I saw much pain
Before birth
It's no fault of mine
That I was born fatherless......
Is it my fault that
I was planted into
A roofless home
To grow amidst
Piercing thorns of a society
In which riches is
Ticket to self actualisation?

Is it my fault
That I dream to erase
The saying that
Paupers beget paupers
That I can grow into
That roof my home lost
And and save my home
From the torments of grief?

O Why? Society why
Are you trying to
hold me back
From stripping my rags off
To put a golden gown?
I believe HE Who planted
Me there shall
Surely let the apocalyptic
ballad HE wrote about me be fulfilled
All you do is in vain!

© Sarpong Kumankoma

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