Friday 5 June 2015


Nothing has changed
The moon still crawls in
The face of the sky
With stars always present
To hail her majesty
When led by the knightly night

The sun still
Takes his breakfast in the east
And his supper in the west

Still when the
Cock sings to the drumming
Of his libido
It's the hen who dances
To its sweetness

Still it's only the billy goat
Whose nose tastes
The delight in the
Nanny goat's urine

Still somewhere
In the the African jungle
When papa monkey
Wants his banana ripened
It's it's in mama monkey's
Burrow he buries it

Still the male dog
Barks at his fellow male
But welcomes the bitch with roses
            And the bitch
Shows red teeth at a fellow bitch
But winks an invitation to the male

The law of magnetism
Still holds
His clone still governs
Electric charges:
Like signs repel
Opposite signs attract

Nothing has changed
Mama Africa
Still has a heart of gems
Home to the moral treasures
Our ancestors buried

The right path
Ototurobonsu  cleared for
Nature to ply
Mama Africa teaches
Her children to follow

Still Africa's cultural wardrobe
Is an open sieve
Continually letting go
Outmoded garments and
Accepting newer ones
That are her perfect fit......

This misfit she can never wear----

Nothing has changed
That the hands of human rights
Can be used to propagate

Africa can't write rights
To permit humans
To do what--s3be---
Animals won't even do!

Nothing has changed
Man must be more rational than beast!

©Sarpong Kumankoma

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